Extra long screws custom manufacturers, choose SST, 21 years manufacturers
Since the production of long screws, super long screws, and extra long screws at the Shi Shi Tong screw factory, many factories have begun to emerge that their factories can also produce long screws. And the speed that came out was amazing. I didn’t check it in a few days. I searched and found that many of them had never seen a screw before, and suddenly it appeared in front of your eyes. It feels like a counterfeit product from many luxury brands. Xiaobian could not help but sigh, many people’s awareness of the wind is so strong.

According to the small series of Shi Shi Tong screw factory, the market said that those long screws, extra long screws are often used to complete the welding process. The screw head and the screw of the screw are separated separately, and then the two parts are welded together by welding, thereby forming an elongated screw. When long screws require a certain level of strength and appearance requirements, then the shortcomings of this welding process will be exposed, and the cottage will never keep up with the authenticity. We must maintain an innovative spirit. The ability to think independently.

China Shi Shi Tong long screw manufacturer adopts multi-station machine equipment and one molding process. No matter how long the screw fasteners are, they can be molded at one time. The screw strength grade can be 4.8 to 12.9, and the surface is bright and burr-free. Ensure that the extra long screws meet the needs of users.

Our Shenzhen Shi Shi Tong Metal Products Co., Ltd. is a custom manufacturer of screws integrating design, proofing and production. Mainly produces stainless steel screws, titanium screws, small screws, shoulder screws, extra long screws, aluminum screws, non-standard screws, copper screws, carbon steel screws, etc., to create high-end high-hardness screws for research and development customization, professional production tailor-made screws for customers.
If you want to find extra long screws please contact us: annie.li@szsst88.com.