self tapping screw factory practice makes sense, high-quality factories can withstand all kinds of tests
The real heart of the screw factory, not only to withstand the strict quality standards of customers, but also to keep up with the trend of the market. We should not only bear the setbacks brought about by the competition in the hardware industry, but also do not forget their initial service in the market with each passing day. Shenzhen self tapping screw factory-Shi Shi Tong, we have been through 22 years of tests.
When developing a new market for self tapping screw, Shi Shi Tong has also encountered many problems, such as new customers’ lack of trust, lack of suppliers and inaccurate delivery time. However, Shi Shi Tong has never given up because of these difficulties, and problems will solve problems quickly and make them better, and the next time, problems can be solved.
When the new customers do not trust us, Shi Shi Tong silently and attentively do a good job in every product of the customer and serve every customer. Do not promote unsolicited meritorious service in the establishment of the accumulation of 400 customers have been stable support our world. When our customer receives the screw made by the world, his experience is that the Shi Shi Tong is a real heart to do things, reliable self tapping screw factory, is trustworthy.
Skype: kalyn qin
M: +86 18124507113
Tel: +86 0755-85296744
Add: No. 11, Dinghou Road, Dongfang Community, Songgang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China