What is a combination screw?
We sometimes use combination screws in our lives, but do you know about the combination screws? What is a combination screw?

A combination screw is a combination of a screw with a spring pad that is fastened together with a flat pad through the fangs. The second combination screw means that one screw is only equipped with one spring pad or only one flat pad, and it is also possible to have only one tooth assembly. The combination screw country number is indicated by GB9074. Commonly used cross-slot small head three combination screw country code is GB9074.8. In China, it is represented by a letter as PM. Professional combination screw manufacturers, the habitual representation is three-in-one PM. The commonly used cross recessed large pan head combination screw is GB9074.4. The professional is called the combination screw of the large pan head. Or R head, or B head. That is to say, the head of the combination screw is larger than the head of the small-head combination screw, and is thicker. Another commonly used one is the hex combination screw, which is a cross hex combination screw. Often called the pocket hex combination screw. The country is marked as GB9074.13.

Shi Shi Tong Screw Factory specializes in customizing various types of screws, combination screws, and custom screws. Welcome to contact the Shi Shi Tong screw factory.
If you want to know more about combination screw please feel free to contact us at annie.li@szsst88.com