Which is a good precision screw factory?
Precision screws have high precision requirements on screws. Because the size of the screw is relatively small, it is used on the gadget. Once the screw is out of tolerance, this screw is basically not used. Mr. Wan from Shenzhen asked us for a precision screw of M1*5. Ask if we can control the tolerance within ±0.05mm.

After learning more about the customer’s needs, we confirmed with the customer that the tolerance of the precision screws can be controlled at ±0.05mm. After that, the customer asked us what process we used to produce. Before that, he asked several precision screw manufacturers. They said that they could not do it and needed to turn. But the price of turning is too expensive.

We immediately replied to the customer that we are using a cold process to produce. The precision can be controlled at ±0.05mm. The customer was sent a video of the precision screws we produced before and the pictures we measured. After confirming all the details, Mr. Wan quickly gave us the order.

If you want to customized precision screws please send an email: annie.li@szsst88.com